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| Tips For Building A Capsule Wardrobe |

by - September 01, 2017

Hi there, ya'll! =)

One of the most common complaints you will ever hear from a woman is "I have nothing to wear!"  Often it is pronounced by a woman standing in front of a closet overflowing with clothing, shoes, and accessories, and yet she still is insistent; she cannot find anything to wear.  We (myself most definitely included) all have our weaknesses when it comes to shopping, and tend to buy certain items impulsively without actually considering whether or not we will ever wear them.  As a result, we have a closet filled to the brim with things that do not match and we very well may never put on.  Having too many options can be overwhelming and prevent us from seeing which options are actually good ones, so if you are one of those women who have "nothing to wear", the first thing you must do is narrow down the list of options.  Anything that you have not worn in the last year simply has to go; if you haven't worn it in the last year, chances are you won't wear it in the coming year either.  Our bodies are not are own, they are temples of the Holy Ghost, and while we are obligated to adorn these temples beautifully, we are also obligated to make good use of the time we have been given and not waste it trying to decide what to wear instead of doing something more productive.  Having a capsule wardrobe, composed mainly of basic foundation pieces and a few fun accessories, will save you so much time, and give you much more confidence about your appearance.

The first step to building a capsule wardrobe is to figure out what your personal style is, and what kind of outfits are most appropriate to your lifestyle.  For instance, you may love expensive, classy looking heels, but if you live on a farm with three small children, it would be impractical for you to own fifteen pairs of designer heels that will never be worn.  If you have a Pinterest account, one of the simplest ways to determine your style is to make a board for your favorite outfits and accessories, and when you see an outfit that really appeals to you or that you'd like to recreate, save it to the board.  After a while, you should be able to tell what kind of styles you are most attracted to, and then comes the next step; determining how to make these styles fit your personal lifestyle (if you do not have a Pinterest account, you can simply pay attention to what outfits you like the most on people you see around you, and figure out your personal style this way).  When I first tried this approach, I found I was attracted to classic, vintage styles most of all (cardigans, belts, blouses, flared dresses), but I also very much loved comfortable, bohemian styles as well (maxi skirts, flowy tops, sandals, scarves, etc.).  While these styles seem to be complete opposites at first glance, I have found ways to take my favorite elements from both and combine them to create a unique style that is purely my own.

Now that you have figured out your personal style, you need to make sure you have the basic pieces needed to create the foundation for your wardrobe.  Since every woman has a different style, these pieces will be different for each individual, but I've shared my own personal basics down below, with links to some of my favorites, to give you an idea of what kind of items you should be looking for.

1. A Little Black Dress
2. Cardigans
3. Denim Skirt
4. Black Skirt
5. White Blouse
 7. Black Blouse
 8. Denim/Chambray Blouse
9. Casual Dress
10. Heavy Coat
11. Denim Jacket
12. Blazer

Once you've collected your basic pieces, all that's left to do is to fill in the blank spots of your closet with some fun, more personalized items and accessories to make your wardrobe more expressive of your own personal style.  For example, I decided to purchase several brightly colored scarves to add a more bohemian touch to my otherwise classic, vintage inspired outfits, and the result was a new take on both styles that was more "me" than either of the separate styles on their own.

I hope I was able to give you some inspiration for putting together your own capsule wardrobe! It's so simple to create, and you will be amazed how easy it makes getting ready every day.  For more inspiration, check out my Pinterest board here where I have saved some other examples.

Have you ever tried building your own capsule wardrobe?

How would you describe your personal style?

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  1. Hi Maddi! I would say my style is very similar to yours. I love classic, vintage styles (especially shirtdresses). Scarves are also one of my favorite accessories. I've never tried to build a capsule wardrobe but this post was a great reminder that I need to go through my closet. I am terrible at cleaning out my closet and have a hard time getting rid of clothes even if I don't wear them!

  2. I would have a very similar with the addition of a pair of pants - especially for the winter months.

  3. Hi! I have a question, and since I really like your blog I hope you can help me! I wear a lot of skirts and dresses during spring and summer but during winter I mostly wear jeans because I have to wear coat, scarf, hat and a sweater with a dress I feel frumpy...
    What do you wear in winter?

  4. Hi Valeria! My personal favorite kind of outfit to wear in the winter is a short (think knee length), flared skirt, a light sweater tucked in, tights, and ankle boots, with maybe a pretty scarf to add some color. Another outfit I love is a sweater dress with tights and boots and a floppy wool hat =). I have lots of ideas saved in my Pinterest board called "Winter Fashion" if you'd like more inspiration! I hope this is helpful! God bless...<3

  5. I really like your blog. I found your tips very helpful and practical, especially the first one because the most important thing about fashion and clothes is to find your own style. Thank you for putting in the time and sharing this with us.


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