| Sunday Style / Pentecost |
Hi there. ya'll! =)
This Sunday I discovered something interesting; I do not own a single piece of red clothing. Not. One. It's a bit of a tradition to where I live to wear red on Pentecost Sunday, but I had to make do with pink this year. It still counts, though, right? ;P
As you can see, it was pouring down raining for most of our Sunday, so I had to resort to taking outfit pictures on our porch. On the bright side, ya'll get to see my new flower boxes! After weeks of trying to decide what color to paint them, what kind of wood to use, where to put them, etc. we finally got them hung on the windows and planted some petunias inside them. Next I'm going to add some morning glory, and hopefully some lavender later on...In case you haven't noticed yet, this girl loves flowers. ;)
My favorite thing about this dress (apart from being pink and made of lace) is the cut. There are few things more annoying than wearing a beautiful dress and having to spend the whole day worrying about it blowing up in the wind, trust me. =)
// Outfit Details //
Dress: Made (kind of) by me
Hat: Amazon (out of stock in this color, but they have others)
Shoes: J.Coles/ Old
Earrings: Charming Charlie's (out of stock)
I hope you all had a wonderful and blessed Pentecost Sunday! =)